Kidney beans


član od: 22.4.2003

sporočila: 27

tema odprta - 15. mar 2005 9:30 | ogledi: 4.120 | odgovori: 21

A ve mogoče kdo kako se temu fižolu reče slovensko?




član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

15. mar 2005 10:11

To je nizek fižol, se pravi tisti, ki ne raste po latah. drugače ne vem, kako bi razložila. Bo že še kdo kaj pripomnil. Vsekakor ne gre za stročji fižol, da ne bo pomote. Npr. češnjevec je nizka sorta fižola, tako da faliti ne moreš. Loni Makaroni


član od: 9.11.2004

sporočila: 15833

15. mar 2005 10:22

Kolikor vem je kidney beans temno rjav fižol, slovenskega izraza pa ne vem. Mamamia mamamia

terlikar 1  

član od: 10.3.2005

sporočila: 994

15. mar 2005 10:29

To je vrsta rdečega fižola.Uporabljajo ga za chilli con carne. LP terlikar 1


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

15. mar 2005 10:54

Ni res, da je samo rdeči fižol, vsekakor je tudi v drugih barvnih niansah. Dam roko v ogenj. Loni Makaroni


član od: 22.4.2003

sporočila: 27

15. mar 2005 11:00

Obstaja tudi v drugih barvah, ima pa obliko jeter. Ime pa rabim za prevod, tako da si nočem nič izmišljati. Upam, da se bo res kdo oglasil, ki ve ime. LP Alenka

terlikar 1  

član od: 10.3.2005

sporočila: 994

15. mar 2005 11:38

Podatek sem našla v veliki šoli kuhanja. terlikar 1


član od: 14.2.2005

sporočila: 17822

15. mar 2005 20:47

Lenke, nikakor ne more imeti oblike jeter, ker KIDNEY so ledvica, pa tudi fižol ne more imeti oblike jeter, ki so iz več krp, ledvica pa so, vsaj nekatera, pač fižolaste ali pa- ledvičaste oblike. Po moje slovenski izraz ne obstaja, ker gre pač za kakšno sorto, ki ni slovenska. Morda se motim. Počakajmo na tiste, ki vedo kaj več. rimljanka

Riko žalna ikona 

član od: 30.8.2001

sporočila: 275

15. mar 2005 22:22

Kidney beans prodajajo pri nas v pločevinkah pod imenom »Rdeči mehiški fižol«, ker je rdeče barve in ledvičaste oblike. Omenjam ga v receptu Poprovo meso: Malo pa se ga vidi na fotografiji pri receptu Ričet, kjer ga v opombi tudi omenjam:čet Sicer pa ste to že vse povedale! Lep pozdrav! Riko Sporočilo je spremenil(a) Riko dne 15. mar 2005 22:22:59


član od: 12.12.2001

sporočila: 7859

16. mar 2005 7:29

Sneto s strani allrecipes. beans These seeded pods of various LEGUMES are among the oldest foods known to humanity, dating back at least 4,000 years. They come in two broad categories-fresh and dried. Some beans, such as BLACK-EYED PEAS, LIMA BEANS and CRANBERRY BEANS, can be found in both fresh and dried forms. Fresh beans are those that are commercially available in their fresh form and are generally sold in their pods. The three most commonly available fresh-bean varieties are GREEN BEANS (eaten with their shell or pod) and lima and FAVA (or broad) BEANS, both of which are eaten shelled. Store fresh beans in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator up to 5 days; after that, both color and flavor begin to diminish. If cooked properly, fresh beans contain a fair amount of vitamins A and C; lima beans are also a good source of protein. Dried beans are available prepackaged or in bulk. Some of the more popular dried beans are BLACK BEANS, CHICKPEAS, KIDNEY BEANS, PINK BEANS and PINTO BEANS. Dried beans must usually be soaked in water for several hours or overnight to rehydrate them before cooking. Beans labeled "quick-cooking" have been presoaked and redried before packaging; they require no presoaking and take considerably less time to prepare. The texture of these "quick" beans, however, is not as firm to the bite as regular dried beans. Store dried beans in an airtight container for up to a year. The flatulence caused by dried beans is created by oligosaccharides, complex sugars that-because they"re indigestible by normal stomach enzymes-proceed into the lower intestine where they"re eaten (and fermented) by friendly bacteria, the result of which is gas (see DIGESTIVE ENZYMES). Dried beans are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Their high protein content, along with the fact that they"re easily grown and stored, make them a staple throughout many parts of the world where animal protein is scarce or expensive. See also ADZUKI; CANNELLINI; FERMENTED BLACK BEANS; FRENCH BEAN; GREAT NORTHERN; MARROW BEANS; MUNG; NAVY; PEA BEAN; PIGEON PEA; RED BEANS; RUNNER; SOYBEAN; SPROUTS; WHITE BEAN; WINGED; YARD-LONG. kidney bean Particularly popular for CHILI CON CARNE and RED BEANS AND RICE, this firm, medium-size bean has a dark red skin and cream-colored flesh. Its popularity can be attributed to its full-bodied flavor. On the downside, it"s an enthusiastic producer of flatulence. Unless you live in an area that grows kidney beans, you won"t find them fresh but will have to settle for the dried or canned forms. White kidney beans-referred to as CANNELLINI BEANS-aren"t favored with the robust flavor of their red cousins, and are only available dried or canned. The tiny, tender French kidney beans are called FLAGEOLETS and may be purchased dried, canned and, sometimes, frozen. cannellini bean [ kan-eh-LEE-nee ] Large, white Italian kidney beans, available both in dry and canned forms. Cannellini beans are particularly popular in salads and soups. flageolet [ fla-zhoh-LAY ] These tiny, tender French kidney beans range in color from pale green to creamy white. They"re rarely available fresh in the United States but can be purchased dried, canned and occasionally frozen. Flageolets are usually prepared simply, in order to showcase their delicate flavor. They"re a classic accompaniment to lamb. Je pa res, da je med vsemi najbolj priljubljena rdeča sorta. Kot sem že napisala, barvno variira, od rdeče do bele, pa v velikosti tudi... Loni Makaroni


član od: 5.12.2004

sporočila: 513

16. mar 2005 9:27

Good work Loni!! Sem ravno hotela pripisati se moje mnenje in izkusnje. Pri nas ga v glavnem kupujemo v konzervah (posusen se tezko najde). Najveckrat uporabljamo rdecega. julia

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