Ameriški krofi


član od: 30.10.2005

sporočila: 179

tema odprta - 22. okt 2008 20:20 | ogledi: 11.407 | odgovori: 3

Pred kratkim sem v Lidlu kupla pekač za ameriške krofe.Zadnjič sem jih spekla po receptu,ki je priložen pekaču in sploh niso bili dobri.Imeli so full okus po jajcih in tega ne maram (

Pa bi prosla,če ima katera kaki recept če mi ga lahko zaupa.Sploh oni krofi iz Mc`Donaldsa so posebno dobri



član od: 9.8.2008

sporočila: 2960

22. okt 2008 21:25

Lej, jaz jih delam po temle receptu, ti ga pa malo spremeni, da bo za tisti tvoj pekač (v mojem receptu jih zvaljaš in izrežeš kot piškote, medtem ko boš ti testo verjetno vlivala, torej bo treba maso razredčiti - morda z mlekom): 25g mehkega masla 125g sladkorja 1 jajce 330g moke 1 zav. vanilijevega sladkorja sol cimet 1 ščep muškatnega oreška 1/8 l mleka moka za valjanje 1l olja za cvrenje sladkor za posip V posodi penasto umešamo maslo, sladkor, jajce. Posebej zmešamo moko, pecilni, sol, cimet in muškatni orešček. Tej mešanici med mešanjem izmenično dodajamo masleno kremo in mleko. Na pomokani deski zvaljamo testo na 1 cm debelo, izrežemo koleščka in jih pustimo počivati cca. 10 minut. Krofe cvremo približno 4 minute v vročem olju do zlatorjave barve. Pustimo, da se odcedijo, obrnemo v sladkorju in takoj ponudimo. tulka


član od: 19.3.2002

sporočila: 2740

23. okt 2008 11:02

ni v testu nic pecilnega? Ali pa kvasa? Sama sem nasla tele recepte: Old Fashioned Donuts (Donut Machine) Yield 20-22 4 1/2 cups flour 1 3/4 cups sugar 7 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg -- optional 3 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla (or favorite flavoring) 2 cups milk 1 cup oil Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and nutmeg at medium speed, beat eggs and vanilla, add milk, oil and dry ingredients alternately to egg-sugar mixture beat well after each addition add batter to each donut mold in preheated oiled donut maker bake until browned. Toppings: Chocolate 1 cup confectioners sugar 3 Tbsp chocolate flavored syrup 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract 2 tsp. (about) milk Mix confectioners sugar and chocolate syrup; add vanilla. Add just enough milk to make mixture spreadable. Honey 1/2 cup honey 2/3 cup confectioners sugar Mix until smooth. Basic Vanilla Glaze 1/2 cup confectioners sugar 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract 2 tsp. hot milk Sift confectioners sugar. Add milk and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Variations: Immediately after applying Basic Vanilla Glaze sprinkle donuts with: Chopped nuts Chopped candied fruit peels Chopped maraschino cherries Food coloring (1-2 drops) Grated coconut Cinnamon Sugar 3/4 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. cinnamon Combine sugar and cinnamon in clean bag. Shake well to mix. Add warm donuts, 2 or 3 at a time. Shake lightly until donuts are coated. NOTES : Preheat closed for 5 to 6 minutes - open and add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil to each donut mold (close lid, wait a few seconds until oil is hot, then add batter, always keep lid closed between oil adding operations and subsequent cooking uses) add batter (approximately 1/4 cup) close and lock into position. Bake to desired doneness (approximately 5 to 7 minutes). Remove with fork and unit is ready for next use. Plain Donuts (Donut Maker) Makes approximately 10 donuts 1/4 cup cooking oil 1 cup flour, all-purpose -- sifted 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp. sugar 1 tablespoon double-acting baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk 1 egg Flavoring: vanilla, lemon, orange or almond extract cinnamon or nutmeg to taste Combine and sift together dry ingredients beat egg and milk together and then add the cooking oil blend into dry ingredients preheat donut maker for 10 minutes; pour in batter, add = tsp. oil to top of unit within first 2 minutes bake for 5 minutes or for crisper donuts, bake until oil NO LONGER bubbles from the holes in top of lid. Roll in granulated or confectioners sugar. LP, R.


član od: 9.8.2008

sporočila: 2960

23. okt 2008 11:06

ja, pecilni je... sem ga omenila v "navodilih", pozabila pa našteti med sestavine. Pardon! tulka

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