11. mar 2014 12:56
Tudi pri nas imamo doma kosmulje, ki jih zadnje čase napada plesen (hvala Lisi za točno poimenovanje), zato sem zadevo malo pogooglala in našla naslednje relevantne nasvete:
Vzeto iz http://www.klubgaia.com/Vrtni-vseved/21/Sadovnjak/Jag
Zatiranje bolezni ni enostavno, saj je precej trdoživa. Pomembno je, da opravimo predpomladansko škropljenje s sredstvo vivera cuprablau. Kasneje v vegetaciji (ko so listi že razviti) pa opravimoše škropljenje s sredstvom vivera rubigan v odmerku 3-4 ml/10l vode. Močno okužene poganjke porežemo.Ribez ima rad humusna tla, zato je priporočljivo, da vsako leto spomladi dodamo grmu tri pesti gnojila plantella organik, ki bo povečalo odpornost rastline na bolezni in sušo, poleg tega pa bo pridelek bolj zdrav.
In pa še malo več na povezavi https://apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/Profile.aspx?pid , in sicer:
Non-chemical control
A number of measures will help reduce occurrence of the disease;
Gooseberries are best pruned to an open form to aid picking. This also discourages stagnant air amongst the branches and promotes the circulation of airAvoid planting in low-lying or enclosed areas or with poor air flowOpening up bushes will also greatly ease picking and control of gooseberry sawflyAvoid excessive quantities of nitrogen rich manure, dried poultry manure pellets for example or mulching with manure, because the resulting soft growth is more readily attackedA dressing of a balanced fertiliser, such as Growmore, is more suitable – use 50g per sq m (1½oz per sq yd)The fungus overwinters within the buds and on the shoots, and (with blackcurrants in particular) on fallen leaves. It is therefore essential to 'tip' prune the bushes by removing and disposing of (bonfire or shredding and composting) the ends of affected shoots as soon as they are seen, as well as disposing of all fallen leaves in autumn
Eating affected fruit
The fungal growth on the berries can be rubbed off, and the gooseberries are edible, so there is no need to waste the crop if many of the fruits are affected. However, even after this laborious process the diseased berries will turn brown when cooked.
Resistant cultivars
Organic gardeners, and gardeners who find spraying ineffective, can grow resistant cultivars which can offer a useful level of resistance to this disease:
Gooseberry cultivars
'Captivator': Resistant
'Greenfinch' AGM: Resistant
'Hinnomaki Gold': Slightly Resistant
'Hinnomaki Red': Resistant
'Hinnomaki Green': Resistant
'Invincta' AGM: Resistant (Although young plants of this variety show moderate attacks of mildew the shoots of mature plants and fruits are highly resistant)
'Martlet': Resistant
'Pax': Slightly Resistant
'Remarka': Resistant
'Rokula': Resistant
Chemical control
The fungicides myclobutanil (Systhane Fungus Fighter) can be used to control this disease and spraying should be carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.
A product containing a blend of plant and fish oils (Organic 2 in 1) is also available and can be used by organic gardeners. It acts by physical, rather than chemical, action.
Life is war against boredom~
Sporočilo je spremenil(a) MiriBon dne 11. 2014 12:58