Ležanje na cipru


član od: 30.8.2010

sporočila: 126

tema odprta - 10. jul 2012 7:31 | ogledi: 6.535 | odgovori: 4

Moja last minute odločitev je, da grem na severni Ciper in sicer v bližino Famaguste v hotel z bogato ponudbo - tudi športno kar mi je pomembno.

Konkretno bi rada odgovor od koga, ki ve kako je tam. Ali je teren OK za kolo? Ali se da rekreativno teči?

Ali se je kdo vozil po otoku z javnim prevozom - avtobusom?

Ali ste adapter za 240V kupili doma?

Se že veselim, rabim tudi poležavanje in namakanje v morju.


Vendelina jr.  

član od: 17.5.2006

sporočila: 9217

10. jul 2012 12:01

Adapterje na Cipru prodajajo v vsakem kiosku ali hotelu.

Vendelina jr.

Viva Meier  

član od: 20.12.2009

sporočila: 673

10. jul 2012 12:05

Public transport in Cyprus is limited. There is no train service available. There are inter-urban public bus services connecting major towns, urban buses which run within most larger towns and tourist centres, and rural buses connecting smaller villages to their nearest towns.

Buses are not consistent in appearance, though the destination is usually displayed in the windscreen. Bus time tables and schedules are available from tourist offices or directly from the bus companies. Be aware that services stop early daily (at approximately 18:00) and there is limited bus service on weekends (some areas have no service on Sundays). Bus fare is paid directly to the bus driver; exact change is required.

Shared and private taxi services provide an alternative method of transport with the options being Island-wide bus services,urban buses,rural buses, intercity taxis, urban taxis and rural taxis.

For comprehensive details on Island-wide bus and taxi transport: Click here(PDF)For general information on public transport in Cyprus: Click hereCyprus By Bus provides information about buses, bus routes and timetables in Cyprus: Click here

Island-wide Bus Services

Various bus companies link all major towns with a regular service leaving every one or two hours. There is limited bus service on Sunday with some routes having no service at all. Bicycles can be taken on some of busses serving the main intercity routes.

There are three stations for busses in Limassol, though intercity service is usually offered from the KEMEK bus station at Enoseos and Eirinis Street, and the Kallenos bus station at the intersection of Hadjipavlou Street and Araouzou Street.

Note: Dogs may not be taken on buses.

Bus companies serve the following routes:

Larnaca - Nicosia - Limassol - Larnaca Airport - Ayia Napa - ProtarasAyia Napa - Larnaca - Paralimni Nicosia - Limassol - PaphosNicosia - LimassolLarnaca - Nicosia  / Larnaca - LimassolPaphos - Limassol - PolisLarnaca - Paralimni - ProtarasParalimni - Protaras - Ayia Napa / Paralimni - Deryneia - Larnaca / Paralimni - Protaras - Larnaca

It is recommended to check directly with the bus companies to determine if service is available on a particular day.



vir: http://cyprus.angloinfo.com/information/10/busses.asp

Viva Meier


član od: 30.8.2010

sporočila: 126

10. jul 2012 13:04

Viva Meier super link si mi posredovala, mi bo prav prišel. Hvala.

Hvala tudi tebi Vendelina Jr..


Viva Meier  

član od: 20.12.2009

sporočila: 673

10. jul 2012 13:46

Pa malo se še igraj po googlu z gesli "public transport Cyprus" in dobiš celo iskalnike, kjer lahko vneseš začetno in končno destinacijo ter datum pa ti pokaže kaj je takrat na voljo. Samo malo rezerve do tega, ker avtobusne kompanije zelo rade menjajo vozne rede, lastniki takih spletnih strani pa tudi ne skrbijo pretirano za updejte in imajo potem ti spletni prikazovalniki malo relativne prikaze, ko kažejo linije, ki ne obstajajo že celo večnost, zgrešijo pa nove zadeve... No saj ne, da so sprintani vozni redi, v kakem lenobnem infocentru sredi vročega Sredozemlja, ki še komaj obratuje, dosti boljši.

So mi v Sevilli enkrat rekli okoli opoldneva v infotu (digitalni zasloni s temperaturo so varirali nekje med 45-48 stopinjami) naj se sprehodim do avtobusne/železniške (pol ure hoje) in preverim, ker je print že star in ne drži več...

Viva Meier

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