26. jul 2010 14:04
Študije iz leta 1974 dokazuje neškodljivost špinače pri pogrevanju
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/jf60196a012 in še povzetek:
“Conditions favoring formation of nitrosamines – simultaneous presence of nitrite and secondary amines at acid pH – can occur during abusive storage of comminuted spinach or beets. Shredded spinach, shredded or ground fresh beets, or beet juice rapidly produced nitrite. … Whole fresh and all forms of processed spinach and beets accumulated little nitrite even though containing 1500-2000 ppm of nitrate originally. Selections from these tests, cooked and uncooked, and thawed, frozen, and thawed spinach were analyzed by a glc-mass spectral method for six nitrosamines (methyl-, ehtyl-, and methylethylnitrosamine, nitrosopyrorolidine, nitrosomorpholine, and nitrosopiperidine). Results were negative, indicating no detectable formtion of these six nitrosamines when fresh or processed spinach or beets are stored even beyond the point of edibility.”