3. okt 2014 9:43
Meat is animal flesh that is used as food.[49] Most often, this means the skeletal muscle and associated fat, but it may also describe other edible organs and tissues.[49] The term "meat" is used by the meat packing industry in a more restrictive sense—the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, etc.) raised and prepared for human consumption, to the exclusion of fish and poultry.
Vegetarians don't eat fish, and consider that fish is meat, since it is the flesh of an animal. Vegans or strict vegetarians refrain from consuming any animal products, not only meat and fish but, in contrast to ovo-lacto vegetarians, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived substances.
However, pescetarians eat fish and other seafood, but not mammals and birds. The Merriam-Webster dictionary dates the origin of the term "pescetarian" to 1993 and defines it to mean: "one whose diet includes fish but no meat."[50] Pescatarians may consume fish based solely upon the idea that the fish are not factory farmed as land animals are (i.e., their problem is with the capitalist-industrial production of meat, not with the consumption of animal foods themselves).[51] However, this is an incorrect assumption, as fish are often raised in artificial environments, with the same types of cramped, unnatural, and often unsanitary conditions that land animals are raised in.[52] Some eat fish with the justification that fish have less sophisticated nervous systems than land-dwelling animals. Others may choose to consume only wild fish based upon the lack of confinement, while choosing to not consume fish that have been farmed.
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianism
Tisti, ki jedo ribe ne pa tudi mesa sesalcev, res niso vegetarijanci, vendar pa moram reči, da je izraz 'pescetarijanec' v veliki meri nepoznan, tako da ne preseneča, da se ribojedce meče v isti koš kot mesojedce.
Anyhow, ko sem sama začela s prescetarijanstvom, sem imela precej močan 'withdrawal syndrome' do nekaterih najljubših tipov mesa...dokler se mi ni spremenil metabolizem (trajalo nekaj mesecev) in danes mesa niti najmanj ne pogrešam, zelenjavo in vse iz nje pa naravnost obožujem. na splošno menim, da se je uživanje mesa oz. predvsem navada uživanja mesa razpasla daleč onkraj meja smotrnosti in trajnosti (tj. da mora biti prav pri vsakem obroku zdraven meso, sicer 'nekaj manjka'), but that's just me...
Aja, to pot sem ubrala iz etičnih razlogov*, pri njen pa sem ostala zaradi okoljskih razlogov in pa, ker mi novo osvojena navada prav lepo ustreza.
* Živalske farme sem enačila z mučenjem živali in še vedno jih, vendar sedaj prej samo masovno živinorejo, medtem ko nimam nič proti manjšim kmetijam, kjer se živina lahko pase zunaj in živi kakovostno življenje, namesto da se zgolj valja v lastnih iztrebkih. Kljub temu pa mi smrtni kriki npr prašiča med domačim klanjem še vedno gredo čez ušesa in težko razumem, komu ne bi...
Seveda je problem tudi z velikimi ribogojnicami, tako da se probavam ogibati gojenim ribam, kar pa je na našem trgu precej težka, poleg tega pa so marsikatere divje ribe še na seznamu ogroženih vrst :|
Life is war against boredom~
Sporočilo je spremenil(a) MiriBon dne 03.okt 2014 11:20